Sunday, January 5, 2014

I asked many of my friends and family, and I found an increasing demand in seeing my writing. So for everyone's convenience, here is a short story I wrote a while back. It doesn't have a title yet, because I suck at making up titles. If you think you have a brilliant title, post in the comments. Suggestions are greatly appreciated. And if you're interested in more of my writing, you can check out my Goodreads profile here.


Through the blustery streets of New York, two parents pulled their daughter to a hospital. The teenage girl was screaming like she was dying, which would have caught anyone’s eyes, if anyone was there. They dragged her through the doors, into the white, sterile lobby. What was once a busy hospital was now vacant, giving the room a creepy atmosphere. The parents went past the reception desk and to the elevator. As they waited for the lift, they heard the loudspeaker crackle on.


This induced another outburst from the daughter, just as the elevator opened. Her parents shoved her in and stared at the door; despite her pleas, they barely acknowledged her existence.

At their designated floor, two guards waited for them. “Is she Madeleine Walker?” one asked. Her father nodded and handed his daughter off as easily as one would with a paper, as if it were necessary to look good. The guards took her away, and Madeleine took one last look at her parents before the elevator doors closed.

Madeleine Walker’s parents were never particularly close to her, but she thought this was normal. Now she knew why they acted like this.

The guards took the struggling Madeleine to the operating room, where they strapped her onto a table, and left. Outside, it started to snow, leaving small shadows across the room. It was like a wonderland, but it only reminded Madeleine of where she was; on the other side, waiting.

Dr. Allen looked at the girl as he walked into the operating room. It was a wonder she even lasted this long, what with the recent circumstances. It was a shame, but how else would society survive without this?

“Hello Miss… Madeleine Walker,” he said, glancing at his clip board. “I’m Doctor Allen, and I-“

“Please get me out of here! It’s not fair!” Madeleine cried desperately.

“Now Miss Usher, all 13 Houses signed an agreement to this after the plague. How else can your family survive?” the doctor explained.

“But why me?”

Dr. Allen sighed. He loathed this part of the job. If they thought it could give them more time, it won’t work.

“Each House agreed for their firstborn child to be the identified patient. It’s what’s keeping the last of humanity alive. Think of it as taking one for the team,”

Madeleine shook her head violently. “No. NO!” but Dr. Allen had already went behind the curtain.

“Do we have all the resources? Good,” she heard the doctor say to someone outside the room. Madeleine thrashed about, but by then, it was too late.

The loudspeaker turned on again, and this time, she recognized the voice as the doctor’s.


Dr. Allen and a small group of assistants came back, wearing the biohazard suits. In his hand, kept as far away from his body as possible, was a minute, corked vial of the virus.

“I’d tell you it won’t hurt a bit, but…” Dr. Allen started, not bothering to state the obvious.

“STYX VIRUS VERSION FIVE HAS BEEN RELEASED,” blared the loudspeaker as the doctor transferred the virus to a hypodermic needle.


Madeleine couldn’t help but hate her twin brother. It wasn’t his fault that he was born after her, or that he got infected; but if he hadn’t, she wouldn’t be here.

Dr. Allen felt bas for Madeleine. With hair as black as a raven, and dark blue eyes, she was stunningly beautiful. She could’ve married into one of the wealthier Houses, maybe even the 1st House of Bryant’s, if she wanted to. But rules are rules.


“No! Mom! Dad! Please save me! Don’t do this to me!’ Madeleine cried, but only the doctor and his assistants could hear her.

Dr. Allen swabbed the area on her arm, then approached her cautiously with the needle. With one final apologetic look to her, he gently poked the needle through her skin, pumping the virus into her veins.

Madeleine’s screams were heard throughout the hospital.

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

French the llama this book is good! If you don't get the reference, watch Vlogbrothers on youtube. In the meantime, read this book! John Green manages to tell what could be a very depressing novel of two cancer patients, Hazel and Augustus, falling in love in a sarcastic, teenager-y way. And with all the wry humor, he's able to take your heart and turn it into a mushed pile of what once was a functioning organ lying on your diaphragm, and still leaves you smiling at the end of the book!

The only reason I picked up this book was because I subscribe to John and his brother Hank's YouTube channel, Vlogbrothers. I normally didn't read realistic fiction because for me, it wasn't realistic to my life. But I saw this book on my librarian's desk and had to tell her about Vlogbrothers, and while we waited for the video, I read the first page. Which led to the next page...then the next chapter and the chapter after that... you get the idea.  I recommend this book to everyone and anyone, no matter what genre you like. It certainly deserves the title of best young adult fiction of 2012.

This is the start of a book review blog. Clearly, I love a good book and a freshly brewed cup of tea. I also want others to enjoy a good book, so I will tell you about whatever books I read; what's it about, any news concerning the book, and whether it's worth reading. Though that's up to you to decide.

I am also a writer. Right now it's for fun, but hopefully I may get published one day. I will post short stories that I have written on here, along with the book reviews.

If you're interested in what I have, there will be a link here for
my Goodreads account. It has all of the above, only more, because I've had it for longer.

So enjoy, and keep on reading!