Friday, December 27, 2013

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

French the llama this book is good! If you don't get the reference, watch Vlogbrothers on youtube. In the meantime, read this book! John Green manages to tell what could be a very depressing novel of two cancer patients, Hazel and Augustus, falling in love in a sarcastic, teenager-y way. And with all the wry humor, he's able to take your heart and turn it into a mushed pile of what once was a functioning organ lying on your diaphragm, and still leaves you smiling at the end of the book!

The only reason I picked up this book was because I subscribe to John and his brother Hank's YouTube channel, Vlogbrothers. I normally didn't read realistic fiction because for me, it wasn't realistic to my life. But I saw this book on my librarian's desk and had to tell her about Vlogbrothers, and while we waited for the video, I read the first page. Which led to the next page...then the next chapter and the chapter after that... you get the idea.  I recommend this book to everyone and anyone, no matter what genre you like. It certainly deserves the title of best young adult fiction of 2012.

This is the start of a book review blog. Clearly, I love a good book and a freshly brewed cup of tea. I also want others to enjoy a good book, so I will tell you about whatever books I read; what's it about, any news concerning the book, and whether it's worth reading. Though that's up to you to decide.

I am also a writer. Right now it's for fun, but hopefully I may get published one day. I will post short stories that I have written on here, along with the book reviews.

If you're interested in what I have, there will be a link here for
my Goodreads account. It has all of the above, only more, because I've had it for longer.

So enjoy, and keep on reading!